Henry Brothers team up with AWARE

Nov 20, 2020 | 0 comments

Henry Brothers has teamed up with Aware in order to try and look after the mental health within our workforce.  Aware is a charity that provides mental health support and information.  Furthermore, they are the only charity working exclusively for people with depression and bi-polar.

We are very pleased that Aware will be delivering mental health and well-being programmes to our workforce alongside promoting their services in the Mid Ulster Area for our employees to avail of.   These programmes take a preventative approach to mental ill-health and teach attendees techniques to look after their own mental health and well-being. Their mission is to have a future where people can talk about their mental health openly, access services appropriate to their needs and have the skills and knowledge to maintain positive mental health.

Ian Henry, Corporate Responsibility Director, said,  “Good mental health is a priority for us and we recognise that it is hard for people to open up and talk about Mental Health as they may be worried about what others think. We want to help remove the stigma around this and get the conversations started so as those that experience Mental Health issues come forward and talk to someone.

“This is why we are delighted to be partnering with Aware to not only give our employees support but the local community also. Henry Brothers value our employees’ mental health and our collaboration with Aware allows us, as our company slogan suggests, to be Altogether Stronger and raise awareness of the importance of protecting and promoting our own mental health as well as recognising the symptoms of mental health problems. Giving the unprecedented times we are currently facing; it is important to take action on mental health now.”



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