Henry Brothers supports the CEF Safety Reboot January Campaign.

Feb 3, 2021 | 0 comments

The team at Henry Brothers has whole-heartedly supported the Construction Employers’ Federation Safety Reboot campaign all the way through January across our construction sites throughout the UK.

The initiative was led by our SHEQ Director, David Wallace MBE and rolled out by our Health & Safety Advisors and Construction Site Managers who organised numerous talks with our site personnel about the importance to work safely in accordance with Covid-19 Standard Operating Procedures and also in relation to all matters of safety.

David Wallace said, “Henry Brothers are delighted to support the Safety Reboot initiative across our UK projects and would encourage others to participate. The period after a holiday shutdown such as Christmas can see an increase in accidents and incidents. This initiative aims to provide a simple but effective means to discuss topical occupational health and safety issues with all personnel including sub-contractors and to reinforce some key messages.”

Health and Safety procedures are important every day of the year, but it is definitely worthwhile to be proactive in the campaign by the CEF where the whole construction sector can come together with one voice and show that we are all taking this issue seriously.

Our health & safety messages at Henry Brothers were delivered to our direct employees as well as indirect employees and subcontractors, and we welcomed the following positive feedback from one of our Safety Reboot sessions,

“I took part in a CEF Safety Reboot discussion about mental health. It was reassuring that Henry Brothers recognises the importance of mental health and mental health awareness at work. Things playing on your mind can affect work, and manifest itself in potentially harmful ways. It was good to be involved, and useful to talk. The fact that someone is there to listen to us is something I am very grateful for” –  DAB Civil Engineering operative



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