Henry Group stepping up to protect the Planet at BITC Platinum Level

Dec 1, 2020 | 0 comments

The Henry Group is very proud to have achieved Platinum for the third year running in the Northern Ireland Environmental Benchmarking Survey

The NI Environmental Benchmarking Survey is an annual event that scores organisations on the measures they take to improve their environmental impacts.  Over 100 organisations from more than 10 different sectors measured and reported their environmental impacts.

Charlene Jones (Henry Group Environment & Quality Assurance Manager) stated “The survey provides a platform for NI businesses to benchmark performance and set targets each year. Consistency is key to achieving improvements and the shift in focus to Net Zero Carbon will continue to educate and challenge businesses to push forward with the Net Zero Carbon Agenda”.

Ian Henry, Director for Corporate Social Responsibility, said, “As a Group we are absolutely delighted with the news that we have reached Platinum Level in the BITC 2020 Northern Ireland Environmental Benchmarking Survey and it’s a great achievement to do so for the third year running!

“Even during this year of uncertainty, we continued to review the impact that we have on the environment and challenged ourselves as to how we as a company could reduce this within our everyday lives.  We had set certain targets that we wanted to achieve and through various strategies we were able to meet these .  For example, we looked at our fleet composition and have introduced more Hybrids so as to reduce our CO2 levels , we also reviewed how we manage our sites and have made the most of modern technology like BIM and Drones to reduce our overall Carbon footprint .  We are keen to continue to strive to make further reductions in our Carbon footprint and keep challenging ourselves to achieve the targets we set ourselves”

Northern Ireland’s most sustainable organisations were revealed at an online event to release the results of the 2020 Northern Ireland Environmental Benchmarking Survey, organised by responsible business network Business in the Community.

Chair of Business in the Community NI and Group Chief Executive of Translink, Chris Conway, said: “Stakeholders, suppliers and the general public increasingly consider sustainability to be of utmost importance and the Survey is a way for organisations to publicly demonstrate their commitment to a greener future. I want to congratulate and thank all companies that have stepped forward to take part in the Survey, and report on their environmental practices.”

103 organisations from a range of sectors including: General Manufacturing; Local Authority; Education; Utilities; Construction; ICT; and Food and Drink took part in the Survey in 2020, prioritising sustainability despite the challenges of the year.

Sponsored by Moy Park and supported by Department for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs, the Survey scores, recognises and rewards organisations that are going above and beyond their legal environmental requirements.



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